We bring 20 years of experience to the fake ID market producing consistently high-quality fake ID cards , Car titles, Social Security cards, Passports and Banknotes, week in, and week out. We offer attentive customer support, with a quick response time. Unlike other fake ID sites, we are here and we have been here for a long time. We work hard for our reputation and strive to improve our fake ID designs year on year. Our Fake ID cards, Car titles, Social Security cards, Passports and Banknote are the lowest priced in the world, with bulk discounts bringing the prices down even further. Check out our reseller section or browse the card range.

King Fake ID has the widest range of legal Fake ID cards, Car titles, Social Security cards, Passports and Banknote available anywhere within and out of USA. With 8 designs to choose from, there is a card for every need and every budget. Our production systems are fully automated, allowing us to print and post your card the day we receive payment. It’s simple to order a card, Car title, Social Security card, Passport and Banknote, it takes only 5 minutes. Try the simple order form now or see how to order in some simple steps. We’ve been making legal fake ID since 1996 – you can rely on us


We are the #1 Fake ID Website in the United States Of America and Europe 

We bring 20 years of experience to the fake ID market, producing consistently high-quality fake ID cards week in, week out. We offer attentive customer support, with the quick response time. Unlike other fake ID sites, we are here and we have been here for a long time. We work hard for our reputation and strive to improve our fake ID designs year on year. Our cards are the lowest priced in the world, with bulk discounts bring the prices down even further. Check out our reseller section or browse the card range.

Fake ID USA has the widest range of legal Fake ID cards available anywhere. With 8 designs to choose from, there is a card for every need and every budget. Our production systems are fully automated, allowing us to print and post your card the day we receive payment. It’s simple to order a card, it takes only 5 minutes. Try the simple order form now or see how to order. We’ve been making legal fake IDs since 1996 – you can rely on us to deliver.




Include your photograph, information to your card, and see what it will look like totally FREE. You can be 100% certain that you will get what you requested with our free card review framework. Request a card now. custom holographic overlay. Learn more about plastic card terminology, or browse our extensive card range now.